
Better Data for DonorPerfect Users

Last updated: April 26, 2022

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As a nonprofit professional, you need an efficient way to manage cultivation efforts with donors who are most closely aligned with your mission. This means having the fundraising intelligence to engage the right donors and to develop relationships that lead to more donations. It also means using solutions that can effectively support your mission while providing a seamless experience.

At a time when it feels harder to get the job done because of tighter schedules and limited budgets, it feels counterproductive to have to spend time switching between multiple apps and risk making costly mistakes when copying information. This is why Kindsight is so focused on developing integrations. We want to offer Kindsight users a better experience that breaks the silos of information that exist within multiple tools. And ultimately, we’re striving to help our users create a single view of data for a more complete analysis, reduce errors and inefficiency from manual workflows, and simply create a better experience.

Kindsight and DonorPerfect

Last year, the Kindsight team launched a new integration with DonorPerfect, a donor management system (DMS)that enables nonprofit professionals to automate daily tasks and build meaningful relationships in their donor community. The integration enables users to enrich their database with Kindsight’s proprietary donor insights and analytics, including capacity and affinity score, without having to waste time navigating between the two apps. It also allows users to get a quick snapshot of the desirability of prospective donors by using the Kindsight Score—the industry’s most robust donor ranking model that is powered by Kindsight’s comprehensive wealth, affinity, and propensity data.

With the latest update to our iwave for DonorPerfect integration, we’re now providing even more data so that users can make better, data-driven decisions.

More Wealth Intelligence

We’ve added new data to help users evaluate the wealth of prospective donors and focus efforts on those who have the means to make large donations.

  • Five-Year Estimated Capacity: Dollar estimate of what an individual could potentially give to the non-profit industry as a whole in the next five years
  • Total Matched Properties Value: The total value, in dollars, of real estate properties discovered for your constituent

More Philanthropic Intelligence

We understand that users need access to data which provides insight into a constituent’s philanthropic activities, so they can evaluate the potential commitment to their organization. To help with this evaluation, we’re providing more philanthropic indicators.

  • Total Matched Donations Value: The total value, in dollars, of donation records discovered for your constituent
  • Giving Velocity Score: Identify whether their giving trend is increasing or decreasing
  • Foundation Board Member: Learn whether your constituent is part of a public or private foundation board

Planned Giving Intelligence

Planned Giving is a hot topic in our industry and for good reason—giving by bequest reached an all-time high of $41.91 billion in 2020 and we’re in the midst of a massive wealth transfer. To help our users take advantage of this opportunity, donor profiles now have a Planned Giving Score. This score utilizes robust algorithms to assess a donor, using eight proven indicators, such as affinity and real estate holdings.

This integration is available to customers of both Kindsight and DonorPerfect. To use it, contact your Client Success Manager for more information.

The Kindsight Team

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